Windows 7 Support Has Ended — How Can Enterprises Manage Third Party Risks?

Support for Windows 7 ended in January 2020. After January 14, 2020, Microsoft no longer provides security updates or support for PCs with Windows 7. If you continue to use Windows 7 after support has ended, your PC will still work, but it will be more vulnerable.

But how does this impact companies that don’t use windows 7? – Through the supply chain, partner and remote employees using windows 7 and exposing your organization to higher risk. 

Some of the worst data breaches happen at companies that invest millions in cybersecurity and tick all the “best practice” boxes internally. That’s because the weak point isn’t necessarily internal; it can be a vendor or outsourcing partner who are still using outdated systems ( like Windows 7). Regardless of where hackers initially gain access, your company could be on the line if sensitive information is compromised. That means taking care of your company’s internal security is no longer enough. You also have to address the risk posture of third parties and vendors. Additionally, most companies allow employees to remotely access enterprise resources from employee computers via VPN or other client tools, creating a whole new set of vulnerabilities. 

To tackle this issue, the enterprise must enable their cyber program to:

  • Reduce the launch of unnecessary utilities and capabilities
  • Deny launch of untrustworthy executables
  • Contain unacceptable action from high-risk applications
  • Isolate access and/or alteration to part of the endpoint
  • Demote suspicious applications from doing any harm
  • Unlock to allow legitimate use of high-risk capabilities

For more information, download our whitepaper: Windows 7 Support Has Ended -  Enterprise Guide to Managing and Securing Devices


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